Calendula Healing Salve for Skin Irritation

Calendula Healing Salve: A Natural Remedy for Skin Irritations

Calendula healing salve has been used for centuries to treat a variety of skin conditions and wounds. This natural remedy is made from the petals of the calendula flower, which is also known as marigold. Calendula has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times and is still widely used today due to its numerous healing properties.

Calendula: A Brief Overview Calendula is a plant that belongs to the daisy family and is native to the Mediterranean region. It is a popular ornamental plant and is often grown in gardens for its bright yellow or orange flowers. The petals of the calendula flower are rich in flavonoids, which are compounds that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These properties make calendula an effective natural remedy for a variety of skin conditions.

The Healing Properties of Calendula Calendula has been shown to have numerous healing properties, including anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties. It is also rich in antioxidants, which help to protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. Calendula is commonly used to treat skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne, as well as minor cuts, burns, and insect bites. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it an effective treatment for reducing inflammation and pain associated with these conditions.

Key Takeaways

  • Calendula healing salve is a natural remedy made from the petals of the calendula flower.
  • Calendula has numerous healing properties, including anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties.
  • Calendula is commonly used to treat skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne, as well as minor cuts, burns, and insect bites.

Calendula: A Brief Overview

Calendula, also known as marigold, is a plant commonly used for medicinal purposes. It is native to the Mediterranean region but has been cultivated worldwide for centuries. The plant's bright orange and yellow flowers are the part used for medicinal preparations, including calendula healing salve.

Calendula is known for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and wound-healing properties. It is often used topically to treat skin irritations, cuts, burns, and other minor injuries. Calendula has also been used internally to treat digestive issues and menstrual cramps, although more research is needed to confirm its effectiveness.

Calendula healing salve is made by infusing the flowers in a carrier oil, such as olive or coconut oil, and then combining the infused oil with beeswax to create a solid salve. Additional ingredients, such as essential oils or vitamin E, may also be added for their beneficial properties.

Overall, calendula is a versatile and natural option for promoting skin health and healing minor injuries. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider before using calendula or any other herbal remedy, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

The Healing Properties of Calendula

Calendula, also known as marigold, has been used for centuries for its healing properties. The flower petals contain compounds that have anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antibacterial effects. Calendula is commonly used in skincare products, including healing salves.

When applied topically, calendula can help soothe and heal minor skin irritations such as cuts, scrapes, and burns. It has been shown to promote wound healing and reduce inflammation. Calendula can also help relieve dry, itchy skin and eczema.

In addition to its skin benefits, calendula has also been used for digestive issues such as stomach ulcers and inflammation. It may also help boost the immune system and reduce inflammation throughout the body.

Overall, calendula is a versatile and natural ingredient that can provide a range of healing benefits. When looking for a healing salve, consider one that contains calendula for its potent healing properties.

Ingredients in Calendula Healing Salve

Calendula healing salve is a natural remedy that has been used for centuries to heal various skin conditions. The ingredients in this salve work together to provide a soothing and healing effect on the skin. Here are the main ingredients in calendula healing salve:

Calendula Extract

Calendula extract is the primary ingredient in calendula healing salve. It is derived from the calendula flower, which is known for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Calendula extract is rich in flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants that help to protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. It also contains triterpenoids, which have been shown to promote the healing of wounds and reduce inflammation.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are another key ingredient in calendula healing salve. They are added to the salve to provide a pleasant aroma and to enhance the healing properties of the salve. Some of the most commonly used essential oils in calendula healing salve include lavender, tea tree, and chamomile. Lavender oil has a calming effect on the skin and can help to reduce inflammation. Tea tree oil is a powerful antiseptic that can help to prevent infection. Chamomile oil is known for its soothing properties and can help to reduce redness and irritation.


Beeswax is used in calendula healing salve as a natural emulsifier. It helps to bind the ingredients together and gives the salve a smooth and creamy texture. Beeswax also has moisturizing properties and can help to protect the skin from environmental damage.

Carrier Oils

Carrier oils are used in calendula healing salve to dilute the essential oils and to provide additional moisturizing properties. Some of the most commonly used carrier oils in calendula healing salve include olive oil, coconut oil, and jojoba oil. Olive oil is rich in antioxidants and can help to protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer that can help to soothe dry and irritated skin. Jojoba oil is similar in composition to the natural oils produced by the skin and can help to regulate oil production and reduce inflammation.

The Process of Making Calendula Healing Salve


Before making calendula healing salve, it is important to gather all the necessary ingredients and equipment. The ingredients typically include dried calendula flowers, carrier oil, beeswax, and essential oils (optional). The equipment needed includes a double boiler, a strainer, a glass measuring cup, and containers for storing the finished salve.


To make calendula healing salve, the first step is to infuse the dried calendula flowers in a carrier oil such as olive oil or coconut oil. This can be done using a double boiler or a slow cooker. The flowers and oil are heated together for several hours until the oil is infused with the healing properties of the calendula.

Once the oil is infused, it is strained to remove the flowers and any other impurities. The infused oil is then returned to the double boiler and mixed with beeswax until the desired consistency is achieved. Essential oils can be added at this stage for additional healing properties and fragrance.


After the calendula healing salve is cooked, it is important to store it properly to ensure its longevity. The salve should be poured into clean, dry containers and allowed to cool completely before sealing. It is best to store the salve in a cool, dark place to prevent it from melting or spoiling.

In conclusion, the process of making calendula healing salve is straightforward and can be done with a few simple ingredients and equipment. With its natural healing properties, calendula healing salve is a great addition to any home first aid kit.

Benefits of Using Calendula Healing Salve

Calendula healing salve is a natural remedy that has been used for centuries to treat various skin conditions. This healing salve is made from the petals of the calendula flower, which is also known as marigold. The following are some of the benefits of using calendula healing salve.

Skin Health

Calendula healing salve is known for its ability to promote skin health. The salve contains compounds that help to soothe and heal the skin. It can be used to treat a variety of skin conditions such as dry skin, eczema, and psoriasis. The salve can also be used to reduce the appearance of scars and to promote wound healing.

Pain Relief

Calendula healing salve has pain-relieving properties that make it useful for treating sore muscles, bruises, and other types of pain. The salve can be applied topically to the affected area to help reduce inflammation and pain.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Calendula healing salve contains anti-inflammatory compounds that help to reduce inflammation in the body. This makes it useful for treating conditions such as arthritis, joint pain, and other types of inflammation. The salve can be applied topically to the affected area to help reduce inflammation and pain.

In summary, calendula healing salve is a natural remedy that has been used for centuries to treat various skin conditions. It has many benefits, including promoting skin health, providing pain relief, and reducing inflammation. It is a safe and effective alternative to conventional treatments and can be used by people of all ages.

Potential Side Effects of Calendula Healing Salve

While calendula healing salve is generally safe for most people, there are some potential side effects to be aware of. These may include:

  • Skin irritation: Some people may experience redness, itching, or a rash when using calendula healing salve. If you notice any of these symptoms, stop using the product and consult your healthcare provider.

  • Allergic reactions: Although rare, some people may be allergic to calendula. Signs of an allergic reaction may include hives, difficulty breathing, or swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat. Seek medical attention immediately if you experience any of these symptoms.

  • Interactions with medications: Calendula may interact with certain medications, including blood thinners and sedatives. If you are taking any medications, talk to your healthcare provider before using calendula healing salve.

It's important to note that these side effects are not common and most people can safely use calendula healing salve without any problems. However, if you do experience any side effects, it's important to stop using the product and seek medical attention if necessary.

How to Use Calendula Healing Salve Efficiently

Calendula healing salve is a versatile and effective remedy for a variety of skin issues. To get the most out of this healing salve, it is important to use it correctly. Here are some tips on how to use calendula healing salve efficiently:

1. Cleanse the Affected Area

Before applying calendula healing salve, it is important to cleanse the affected area thoroughly. Use a mild soap and warm water to gently wash the area, then pat it dry with a clean towel. This will help to remove any dirt or debris that may be present on the skin, and will also help the salve to penetrate more deeply.

2. Apply a Thin Layer of Salve

When applying calendula healing salve, it is important to use a thin layer. A little goes a long way, and using too much can actually impede the healing process. Gently rub the salve into the affected area, and be sure to cover the entire area evenly.

3. Cover the Area (Optional)

In some cases, it may be beneficial to cover the area with a bandage or gauze after applying calendula healing salve. This can help to protect the area and keep the salve in place. However, it is important to ensure that the bandage or gauze is not too tight, as this can impede circulation and slow down the healing process.

4. Repeat as Needed

Depending on the severity of the issue, it may be necessary to apply calendula healing salve several times a day. Be sure to follow the instructions on the label, and do not exceed the recommended dosage. With regular use, calendula healing salve can help to soothe and heal a variety of skin issues, from minor cuts and scrapes to more serious conditions like eczema and psoriasis.

By following these simple tips, you can use calendula healing salve efficiently and effectively to promote healthy skin and speed up the healing process.

Where to Buy Calendula Healing Salve

Calendula healing salve is available in various stores and online shops. Here are some options for purchasing calendula healing salve:

  • Health Food Stores: Many health food stores carry calendula healing salve. Look for it in the natural remedies section or ask a store associate for assistance.

  • Pharmacies: Some pharmacies carry calendula healing salve. It may be located in the natural remedies section or near other topical treatments.

  • Online Shops: There are many online shops that sell calendula healing salve. Some popular options include Amazon, Etsy, and iHerb. Be sure to read reviews and check the seller's reputation before making a purchase.

When purchasing calendula healing salve, it's important to read the ingredients list to ensure that it contains high-quality, natural ingredients. Look for salves that contain organic calendula extract and other natural ingredients like beeswax, coconut oil, and shea butter.

It's also important to note that while calendula healing salve may provide relief for minor skin irritations, it should not be used as a replacement for medical treatment for more serious skin conditions. If you have a skin condition that requires medical attention, be sure to consult with a healthcare professional.


Calendula healing salve is a natural remedy that has been used for centuries to treat various skin conditions. This salve is made from the petals of the calendula flower, which is known for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Studies have shown that calendula salve can be effective in treating minor skin irritations such as cuts, scrapes, and burns. It can also be used to soothe dry and cracked skin, as well as to reduce the appearance of scars.

One of the benefits of using calendula healing salve is that it is a natural alternative to conventional over-the-counter creams and ointments. It does not contain any harmful chemicals or synthetic ingredients that can cause side effects or allergic reactions.

Another advantage of using calendula salve is that it is easy to apply and absorbs quickly into the skin. It can be used as often as needed to provide relief and promote healing.

Overall, calendula healing salve is a safe and effective natural remedy that can be used to treat a variety of skin conditions. It is a great addition to any first aid kit and can be used by people of all ages.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of using calendula salve?

Calendula salve is known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, making it an effective remedy for a variety of skin conditions. It can help soothe and heal minor cuts, burns, rashes, and insect bites. Additionally, it can be used to moisturize and nourish dry, chapped skin.

How do I make a homemade calendula salve with coconut oil?

To make a homemade calendula salve with coconut oil, you will need dried calendula flowers, coconut oil, and beeswax. First, infuse the dried flowers in coconut oil over low heat for several hours. Then, strain the mixture and add beeswax to create a salve-like consistency. Allow the mixture to cool and solidify before use.

What are some common uses for calendula salve?

Calendula salve can be used to soothe and heal a variety of skin conditions, including minor cuts, burns, rashes, and insect bites. It can also be used to moisturize and nourish dry, chapped skin.

What are the benefits of using shea butter in a calendula salve recipe?

Shea butter is a natural moisturizer that can help nourish and protect the skin. When added to a calendula salve recipe, it can help enhance the moisturizing and healing properties of the salve.

Can calendula salve be used on dogs?

Yes, calendula salve can be used on dogs to soothe and heal minor skin irritations and injuries. However, it is important to consult with a veterinarian before using any new product on your pet.

Are there any potential drawbacks to using calendula for skin healing?

While calendula is generally considered safe for most people, some individuals may experience an allergic reaction. Additionally, it is important to note that calendula should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment for serious skin conditions or injuries.

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