Mommy AI, How Are Baby AIs Formed? PART I

Asking AI about AI is a popular approach.

I should know.

I just asked AI.

People are wildly curious about artificial intelligence (AI), and rightfully so. It seemed to spring out of nowhere and suddenly make human life easier and even many work tasks more enjoyable . . . .

. . . all whilst some of us sit back and wonder if AI will soon also mandate what we can and cannot eat for breakfast based on AI toilet feedback that analyzes our morning pee (Hello The Island).

I used to hate AI for reasons such as that: intelligence superseding humans; fear of control; the whole gamut. Fear for the future in general plagues my mind. You know--think iRobot; Altered Carbon; Surrogates; etc. The list goes on and on. So does my incessant worry.

But, alas, one thing became clear:

AI isn't going anywhere.

We're a apart of an AI revolution.

While I don't intend to stuff my gray matter full of neuralinks or other Musk tech, if my cohorts and competitors are using AI to galvanize their businesses to the next level, I'm going to be left in the dust if I don't follow suit.

To reconcile my contrasting notions, I'll develop both personal and professional guidelines as I employ AI into my ventures. Within this article, though, the talk is focused on leveraging AI for a plan to make AI development babies from the mommy (daddy?) AI.

Here we go.

But I'm not out to behead metaphorical (?) Megatron and AI minions just yet. Quite the opposite. I'm running an experiment to see if I can create a truly helpful app or other development with the aid of AI instruction.

Just AI.

Not human.

In essence, I'm seeking to develop AI from AI.

My first step was to elicit an AI response to my prompt. My prompt was as follows:

Write a step-by-step on how to make an app or other AI development without coding knowledge. Mention differentiators, hurdles to overcome, and unique selling points and verticals that could merge to make the app or AI development rather unique. Also mention a list of potential names and industries such an app or AI dev could serve.

Here's the hand-holding AI churned out for me; creating an app or AI development without coding knowledge is achievable using no-code or low-code platforms. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Define Your Idea

  • Clearly outline your app or AI concept. Identify the problem it solves or the value it adds.

Step 2: Research and Choose a No-Code/Low-Code Platform

  • Explore platforms like Adalo, Bubble, or OutSystems. Choose based on ease of use, features, and your specific project needs.

Step 3: Understand the Platform

  • Familiarize yourself with the chosen platform's interface, tools, and capabilities. Most platforms offer tutorials and documentation.

Step 4: Design Your App or AI

  • Use the platform's drag-and-drop features to design the user interface and functionalities. Focus on user experience.

Step 5: Integrate AI Features

  • If your app requires AI, explore AI integrations available on the chosen platform or consider third-party services like Google Cloud AI.

Step 6: Test Your App

  • Use the platform's testing tools to identify and fix any issues. Gather feedback from potential users.

Step 7: Deploy

  • Deploy your app on the chosen platform. Some platforms provide hosting, or you may need to choose external hosting services.

Step 8: Marketing and Launch

  • Develop a marketing strategy to promote your app. Leverage social media, content marketing, and partnerships.


  • Ease of Use: No-code platforms are designed for non-technical users, making development accessible.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: No-code development can be more budget-friendly compared to traditional coding.
  • Speed: Rapid development with pre-built modules accelerates the time-to-market.

Hurdles to Overcome:

  • Complexity Limitations: Some intricate functionalities may be challenging to implement.
  • Scalability Concerns: No-code solutions may face scalability issues for complex or large-scale projects. [Me: E.g,. You might need to outsource or hire accordingly to merge customized programming and achieve more intricate functionalities.]

Unique Selling Points:

  • Customization: Tailor your app without coding, ensuring it meets specific user needs.
  • Accessibility: Open development to non-technical individuals, promoting innovation.

Potential Names:

  1. NoCodeGenius
  2. EasyAppCraft
  3. SwiftBuilder
  4. CodeLitePro
  5. NoCodifyHub

Industries to Serve:

  1. Small Businesses: Offer tools for managing tasks, inventory, or customer relations.
  2. Education: Develop educational apps for e-learning platforms.
  3. Healthcare: Create apps for patient management or health monitoring.
  4. Nonprofits: Provide tools for fundraising, volunteer management, etc.
  5. Real Estate: Develop apps for property management or virtual property tours.

Tailor your app to a specific industry's needs to make it more unique and valuable.

I'm specifically interested in creating an app for early childhood education co-ops; Shopify customer relations; and/or something for the real estate world that simplifies the issue of the future of real estate agent commissions.

Well, folks, that about sums it up, how a baby AI can come from a parent AI. Sounds about as simple as the explanation my parents gave me when I asked about the birds and the bees. Stay tuned to see what burgeons from this; I'll lay out my step-by-step candidly, or maybe turn it into a course like all the cool kids do these days.

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