Seed Starting Trays: The Best in Seedling Trays

Seed Starting Trays: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Seedling Trays for Your Plants

Seed starting trays, also known as seed starter trays, seedling trays, or seed trays, are an essential tool for any gardener looking to start their plants from seeds. These trays come in various sizes and materials, but they all serve the same purpose: to provide a controlled environment for seeds to germinate and grow into healthy seedlings.

Understanding Seed Starting Trays is crucial for any gardener who wants to start their plants from seeds successfully. Seed starting trays come in different types, including plastic, biodegradable, and peat pots. Plastic trays are reusable and durable, while biodegradable trays are eco-friendly and can be planted directly into the soil. Peat pots are made from compressed peat moss and are also biodegradable.

Using Seedling Trays provides several benefits, including better germination rates, healthier seedlings, and the ability to start plants earlier in the season. Seedling trays also allow gardeners to control the moisture and temperature of the soil, which is essential for successful germination. Choosing the right seed trays is crucial to ensure the best possible growing conditions for your plants.

Key Takeaways

  • Seed starting trays are essential for any gardener looking to start their plants from seeds.
  • Understanding the different types of seed starter trays is crucial for successful germination.
  • Using seedling trays provides several benefits, including better germination rates and healthier seedlings.

Understanding Seed Starting Trays

Seed starting trays are essential tools for gardeners who want to start their plants from seeds. These trays come in different sizes and materials, but their purpose is the same: to provide a suitable environment for seeds to germinate and grow into healthy seedlings.

Some of the most common materials used to make seed starting trays are plastic, peat, and paper. Plastic trays are durable and reusable, while peat and paper trays are biodegradable and can be planted directly into the soil. The choice of material depends on personal preference, budget, and environmental concerns.

Seed starting trays can be divided into two types: open trays and cell trays. Open trays are flat containers that can hold a layer of soil or growing medium. They are suitable for seeds that need to be sown thinly or for plants that will be transplanted into larger containers later. Cell trays, on the other hand, are divided into individual cells that can hold one seed each. They are ideal for seeds that need to be sown deeply or for plants that do not like their roots disturbed.

When choosing a seed starting tray, it is important to consider the size of the seeds, the number of seeds to be sown, and the space available for growing. A too small tray can lead to overcrowding and competition for resources, while a too large tray can waste growing medium and water.

In summary, seed starting trays are indispensable tools for successful seedling production. Gardeners should choose the right size and material for their needs and follow the instructions for seed sowing and care. With proper use, seed starting trays can help gardeners achieve healthy and vigorous plants for their garden.

Types of Seed Starter Trays

When it comes to starting seeds, choosing the right seed starter tray is crucial. There are several types of seed starter trays available in the market, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. In this section, we will discuss the three most common types of seed starter trays: plastic seed trays, biodegradable seed trays, and self-watering seed trays.

Plastic Seed Trays

Plastic seed trays are the most common type of seed starter trays available in the market. These trays are made of durable plastic and are reusable. They come in a variety of sizes and shapes, making it easy to find one that suits your needs. Plastic seed trays are affordable and easy to clean, making them a popular choice among gardeners. However, they are not environmentally friendly and can take years to decompose in landfills.

Biodegradable Seed Trays

Biodegradable seed trays are made of organic materials such as peat, coconut coir, or paper pulp. These trays are environmentally friendly and can be planted directly into the soil without removing the seedlings. Biodegradable seed trays are ideal for gardeners who are looking for an eco-friendly alternative to plastic seed trays. However, they can be more expensive than plastic seed trays and may not be as durable.

Self-Watering Seed Trays

Self-watering seed trays are designed to provide a constant supply of water to the seedlings. These trays have a reservoir at the bottom that holds water, and the soil in the tray wicks up the water as needed. Self-watering seed trays are ideal for gardeners who are busy or forgetful as they require less maintenance. However, they can be more expensive than other types of seed starter trays and may not be suitable for all types of plants.

In conclusion, choosing the right seed starter tray depends on your needs and preferences. Plastic seed trays are affordable and easy to clean, but not environmentally friendly. Biodegradable seed trays are eco-friendly but can be more expensive. Self-watering seed trays are low maintenance but may not be suitable for all plants.

Benefits of Using Seedling Trays

Efficiency in Seed Starting

Using seedling trays can significantly improve the efficiency of seed starting. With seedling trays, gardeners can start multiple seeds in one location, which saves time and effort in planting. This method also allows for easy monitoring of seed growth, with each seedling receiving the same amount of light, water, and nutrients.

Seedling trays also provide a controlled environment for seed germination. They can be covered with a plastic dome or lid to maintain humidity and warmth, which can improve seed germination rates. This controlled environment also helps to prevent damping-off, a fungal disease that can kill seedlings.

Space Saving

Using seedling trays can save space in the garden. Gardeners can start seeds indoors, in a small area, and then transplant the seedlings outside when they are ready. This method is especially useful for those with limited garden space or for those who want to start seeds earlier in the season.

Seedling trays also allow for more efficient use of greenhouse space. By starting seeds in trays, gardeners can maximize the number of plants they can grow in a limited space.

Improved Plant Health

Using seedling trays can improve plant health by providing a healthy start for seedlings. Seedling trays allow for proper drainage and aeration, which can prevent root rot and other diseases. They also allow for easy transplanting, which can reduce transplant shock and improve overall plant health.

Seedling trays can also help to prevent overcrowding. When seeds are sown directly in the garden, they can become overcrowded and compete for resources. This can lead to stunted growth and poor plant health. By starting seeds in trays, gardeners can control the spacing of seedlings and ensure that each plant has enough room to grow.

Overall, using seedling trays can be a valuable tool for gardeners looking to improve the efficiency, space-saving, and plant health of their gardens.

Choosing the Right Seed Trays

When it comes to starting seeds, choosing the right seed trays is crucial to ensure healthy and successful seedlings. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind when selecting seed trays:

Size Considerations

Seed trays come in a variety of sizes, ranging from small individual cells to larger trays that can hold multiple plants. The size of the tray you choose will depend on the type of plant you are growing and how many seedlings you want to start.

For smaller seeds and delicate seedlings, it is often best to choose trays with smaller cells, as these provide more control over the growing environment and allow for easier transplanting. For larger plants, trays with larger cells or even open flats may be more appropriate.

Material Considerations

Seed trays can be made from a variety of materials, including plastic, peat, and biodegradable materials. Plastic trays are durable and reusable, but can be more expensive and may not be as environmentally friendly. Peat trays are biodegradable and can be planted directly in the ground, but may dry out quickly and require more frequent watering. Biodegradable trays made from materials like coconut coir or rice hulls are a newer option that offer both durability and sustainability.

Cost Considerations

The cost of seed trays can vary widely depending on the size and material. Plastic trays are often the most expensive, but can be reused for multiple seasons. Peat and biodegradable trays are generally less expensive, but may need to be replaced more frequently. When considering cost, it is important to weigh the initial investment against the long-term benefits and sustainability of the chosen material.

Overall, choosing the right seed trays is an important step in starting healthy and successful seedlings. By considering factors such as size, material, and cost, growers can select the trays that best fit their needs and ensure the best possible start for their plants.

How to Use Seed Trays

Filling the Trays

Before sowing seeds, the first step is to fill the seed trays with a suitable growing medium. The growing medium should be lightweight and well-draining, allowing for proper air circulation and water retention. Some common options for filling seed trays include peat moss, vermiculite, perlite, and coconut coir.

To fill the trays, start by moistening the growing medium with water. Then, fill each cell of the tray with the growing medium, leaving a small gap at the top. Be sure to press down lightly on the medium to eliminate any air pockets.

Sowing the Seeds

Once the trays are filled, it's time to sow the seeds. Start by reading the seed packet for specific instructions on planting depth and spacing. Generally, seeds should be planted at a depth of 2-3 times their diameter.

Using a small tool such as a pencil or chopstick, poke a hole in the center of each cell and place the seed inside. Cover the seed with a thin layer of growing medium and gently press down to ensure good seed-to-soil contact.

Watering and Care

After sowing the seeds, it's important to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Water the trays from the bottom by placing them in a shallow tray of water and allowing the water to be absorbed through the drainage holes.

As the seedlings grow, it's important to thin them out to prevent overcrowding. This can be done by either snipping off the weaker seedlings or carefully pulling them out by the roots.

Once the seedlings have developed their first true leaves, they can be transplanted into larger containers or directly into the garden. With proper care and attention, seed trays can be a great way to start plants from seed and ensure a successful growing season.

Common Mistakes to Avoid


One of the most common mistakes when starting seeds is overwatering. When the soil is too wet, it can lead to root rot and other fungal diseases. It's important to make sure the soil is moist but not waterlogged. A good way to check if the soil needs watering is to stick your finger into the soil up to the first knuckle. If it feels dry, it's time to water. If it's still moist, wait a day or two before checking again.

Poor Light Conditions

Another common mistake is not providing enough light for the seedlings. Seedlings need plenty of light to grow strong and healthy. If they don't get enough light, they can become weak and leggy. Make sure to place your seed trays in a sunny location or use grow lights to provide supplemental lighting.

Incorrect Temperature

Temperature is also important when starting seeds. If the temperature is too low, the seeds may not germinate. If it's too high, the seedlings can become stressed and weak. Make sure to check the recommended temperature range for the seeds you are starting and adjust the temperature accordingly. A seedling heat mat can be a great tool to help maintain the proper temperature.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can increase your chances of success when starting seeds. Remember to keep the soil moist but not waterlogged, provide plenty of light, and maintain the proper temperature range. With a little care and attention, your seedlings will be off to a great start!


Seed starting trays are an essential tool for any gardener looking to start their plants from scratch. With a variety of options available, it's important to choose the tray that best suits your needs.

When selecting a seed starting tray, consider the size and material of the tray. Plastic trays are the most common and affordable option, but biodegradable options made from materials such as peat or coconut coir are also available. These options are environmentally friendly and can be planted directly into the ground, reducing transplant shock.

It's also important to consider the number of cells in the tray. Smaller trays with fewer cells are ideal for gardeners with limited space, while larger trays with more cells are perfect for those looking to start a large number of plants.

When using seed starting trays, it's important to keep the soil moist and provide adequate light for the plants to grow. Bottom watering can help prevent overwatering and promote healthy root growth.

Overall, seed starting trays are a valuable tool for any gardener looking to start their plants from seed. With the right tray and proper care, gardeners can enjoy healthy, thriving plants in their gardens.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some popular brands of seed starting trays?

There are many brands of seed starting trays available on the market. Some popular brands include Burpee, Jiffy, Ferry Morse, and Gardener's Supply Company. It is important to choose a brand that is known for its quality and durability.

What are the benefits of using biodegradable seed starter trays?

Biodegradable seed starter trays are made from materials that break down naturally over time. This means that they can be planted directly into the ground without disturbing the roots of the seedlings. Biodegradable trays are also environmentally friendly and can help reduce waste.

How long should seedlings stay in their starter trays?

The amount of time that seedlings should stay in their starter trays varies depending on the type of plant. In general, seedlings should be transplanted into larger containers or into the ground once they have developed their first true leaves.

What are some features to look for in heavy duty plant trays?

When choosing heavy duty plant trays, it is important to look for trays that are made from durable materials such as thick plastic or metal. The trays should also have good drainage holes and be able to withstand the weight of heavy plants.

Where can I purchase seed starter trays?

Seed starter trays can be purchased at many garden centers, hardware stores, and online retailers. It is important to choose a reputable seller and to read reviews before making a purchase.

Which type of seedling tray is best for a beginner gardener?

For beginner gardeners, it is recommended to start with simple plastic seedling trays. These trays are easy to use and can be reused for multiple growing seasons. They are also widely available and affordable.

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